Sunday, March 6, 2016

New Blog!

First post of the new blog!

I'm not sure how much I'm going to post on here, but I figured it'd be a good way to get some excitement out of me about my hobby. I've never used blogger before, so it'll be an adventure figuring it all out while telling people all about my brewing, and my steps along the way as I grow and learn more about it.

I'm not going to write much this first post, mainly because I don't have any pictures to back up the post, and no one likes reading nothing but text.

I had a pretty difficult time coming up with the name SeaRat Brewing, mainly because all of the better names were already taken. There's a lot of great blogs out there, and I really need to start reading some of them. I ended up going with SeaRat Brewing because I've always like Cowboy Bebop, and so I usually use Ganymede Sea Rat as usernames. It's simple, easy to remember, and it's almost never taken when I go to use it.